Aaron Spicer X Visit Tazewell

Our Services

  • Day Rate

    My day rate for full-service shoots and events is $1950. It includes up to 8hrs of photography, and the rights to use up to 100 images. This rate does not include models, props or other expenses.

  • Half-Day

    My half-day rate for full-service shoots and events is $1050. It includes up to 4hrs of photography, and the rights to use up to 50 images. This rate does not include models, props or other expenses.

  • Hourly

    My hourly rate is $300/hr and includes up to 10 images per hour. This rate does not include models, props or other expenses.

  • Retainer/Alternate Fee Schedule

    Please see below for two alternate proposals.



Based on our phone conversation, I think you would be better served with a retainer/contract model. I could offer you a reduced rate in exchange for guaranteed work. If we were able to agree to one “assignment” a month for an initial term of 12 months, I could offer a 2hr session, inclusive of up to 30 images for $500. Additional assignments would be also be billed at the reduced rate, and assignments that required additional time would be billed at $100/hr. Your 2hrs would need to be consecutive, but could be split in any way you choose. This has the added benefit of being able to capture/document your area in multiple seasons as well as refreshing materials that are no longer accurate or relevant.


Bulk Content Creation Week

A final option, if you feel that you might be better served with a big gallery of images right off the bat would be to do a full week of content creation. One of the challenges with photography is that the best images are created in the first two hours of light, and the last two hours of light for the day (with the exception of indoor images). So to maximize efforts, I could do a “residency” of sorts, where I spend a week shooting on and off (as if I was doing a vacation there). If this sounds interesting to you, we could talk further about how we could make that work.